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Lysfat fra The Oak Men - lys eik/svarte staker

På lager: 7

Eikeramme og stål i bunn. Levers med 4 magnetiske lysestaker som du kan plassere der du måtte ønske. Pynt med dine favorittsaker etter årstid og tenn lysene. 32,5x18,0x2,5cm.


Fra Oak Men


This is really hot stuff - we know... but we also know that hot stuff can get too hot! Please be careful not to let your candles burn down too deep, and please check the candle holders have cooled off before you move them around. And burning candles should never be left unattended, of course.

With these precautions we wish you a lot of fun and "hygge" with your candle tray.

The oaky-metal board that makes the magnetic candle holder possible, is meant to appear slightly rustic. The treatment procedure of the metal means that small scratches appear and that the colour of the surface may vary or seem uneven. These characteristics make every tray unique - the reason we love them so much.

Keep the metal clean, and don't expose it to moist or water for a longer period of time, to avoid developing rust. Wipe it with a drop of oil or wax on a cloth, if you want to take extra care.


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